
Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Daily Finance | Tax Hikes Have Already Happened: Will Congress Help You Dodge Them?
Millions of taxpayers are afraid about the fiscal cliff of tax hikes scheduled to happen at the beginning of next year. What many of those people don't realize, though, is that some big tax increases have already taken effect this year.
Heritage Foundation | Tax Extenders Bill a Good Start—Except for the Tax Increase
The tax extenders bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee on August 2 took important, albeit small, bipartisan baby steps: two forward followed by one big step back.

AEIdeas | So let’s talk about those oil and gas subsidies…
As debate rages regarding the extension of the wind-power production tax credit, the Wall Street Journal ran a great article last Friday examining the question of energy subsidies: Who’s really pulling in the sugar from Uncle Sam?
AEIdeas | Carbon-tax would hobble our economy
Thanks to advanced drilling technologies and an abundance of gas from shale deposits, natural gas has accounted for more than 80 percent of new electrical generating capacity in the United States.