
Tuesday, September 25, 2012


WSJ | South Korea Delays Fiscal Balance to Boost Economy
The South Korean government said Tuesday that it would continue to run a fiscal deficit next year to stimulate Asia's fourth-largest economy, pushing out the target of a balanced budget by a year.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | The 10% President
A question raised by President Obama's immortal line on CBS's "60 Minutes" on Sunday—"I think that, you know, as President, I bear responsibility for everything, to some degree"—is what that degree really is. Maybe 70% or 80% of the buck stops with him? Or is it halfsies?

Political Calculations | The Zero Deficit Line in 2012
Now that the U.S. Census has released its newest estimate of median household income in the United States, it's time to consider where the U.S. federal government spending per U.S. household stands with respect to the Zero Deficit Line, which is the amount of spending that the typical American household can actually afford.
WSJ | Most Economists Say Government Should Avoid Spending Cuts in 2013
The vast majority of economists responding to a new survey believe the federal government should maintain or increase spending levels next year — a shared opinion that stands in contrast to steep budget cuts set to take place in 2013.