
Monday, September 24, 2012


Washington Times | Collecting taxes too costly, unfair, Web seller argues
In a battle over who should collect online sales tax,’s chief said Thursday that Internet stores have an inherent right to collect fewer taxes than traditional retailers because they take up less space and don’t use such city services as roads, schools, police and fire departments.
USA Today | Medical device makers fear tax
Even as the new health care law adds millions of insured customers to the paying pool, medical device manufacturers say a tax on their product could cost them billions.

FOX Business | Taxing Millionaires at 100% Wouldn't Be Enough to Keep U.S. Running
According to calculations by FOX News analysts James Farrell and Mitch Kweit, taxing millionaires at 100% would now run the federal government for two and a half to three months.
Library of Economics | Can Progressive Taxation Survive Exit?
 If citizens and firms could relocate easily, governments that offered low value for the tax dollar would lose citizens, and those that offered good value would gain citizens.  
Neighborhood Effects | Do Taxes Affect Economic Growth?
The CRS has a new report by Thomas Hungerford that has attracted some attention. It seems to suggest that taxes do not affect economic growth. To be precise, it seems to suggest that the top marginal tax rates of two taxes in particular—the personal income tax rate and the capital gains tax rate—have little statistically significant effect on economic growth.
Tax Foundation | Sensible Sales Tax Treatment of "Deal of the Day" Vouchers Approved, Over Four States' Objections
While “deal of the day” vouchers from companies like Groupon can get you into a pricey art exhibit or let you eat at your favorite steak house for half the cost, they’ve caused some headaches in the tax world.