
Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | Tagging the Taxpayer
Just in time for Christmas, banks and their lobbyists are asking Uncle Santa for the greatest regulatory gift: the extension of a taxpayer subsidy. The lobbying plan is to attach this banker benefit to legislation addressing the fiscal cliff, or any other legislative vehicle that moves in late December.
AEI | Use tax collection on interstate sales: The need for federal legislation
In this article, I argue that the time has come for Congress to authorize states to require use tax collection by out-of-state sellers.
Heritage Foundation | Tax Policy: Obama Is Still Wrong on Tax Rates
In his first press conference after the election, President Barack Obama said, “What I’m not going to do is extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent that we cannot afford and according to economists will have the least positive impact on the economy.”

Greg Mankiw | A Master of Tax Avoidance
Warren Buffett has an op-ed in today's NY Times on one of his most popular themes: The rich should pay more in taxes.  At first blush, his position seems noble: A rich guy says that people like him should pay more to support the commonweal.  But on closer examination, one realizes that Mr Buffett never mentions doing anything to eliminate the tax-avoidance strategies that he uses most aggressively.