
Wednesday, January 9, 2013


National Journal | How the Fiscal-Cliff Deal Affects Tax Season
Tax-filing season will be eight days later than planned this year thanks to the fiscal-cliff deal lawmakers passed last week, the Internal Revenue Service said on Tuesday afternoon.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
National Journal | The Corporate-Tax Change That Could Raise $114 Billion
Just one tweak to the way the United States taxes corporations could raise $114 billion over 10 years, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office, the agency that provides economic analysis to Congress.
Real Clear Markets | States Cut Taxes Even As Washington Raises Them
Although federal taxes are rising for three-quarters of Americans this year, many states have spent the last two fiscal years cutting levies and simplifying their tax codes. Even as high profile battles to raise taxes in places like California have garnered the press's attention, from Kansas to Michigan to Oregon and New Jersey, states have actually been net tax cutters recently after trying for several years to tax their way out of budget woes.
CBO | Options for Taxing U.S. Multinational Corporations
In 2008, 12 percent of all federal revenues came from corporate income taxes; about half was paid by multinational corporations reporting income from foreign countries. How the federal government taxes U.S. multinational corporations has consequences for the U.S. economy overall as well as for the federal budget.
Heritage Foundation | Effective Marginal Tax Rates for Low-Income Workers Are High
While much focus in the past two years has been on the top end of the income scale—the “Buffett Rule,” the “1 percent”—the effects of taxation and government benefits are severe among the bottom 1 percent as well.

Neighborhood Effects | The Home Mortgage Interest Deduction: A Bad Deal for Taxpayers
The home mortgage interest deduction is one of the largest tax expenditures in the U.S. tax code, second only to the non-taxation of employer-provided health insurance and pension contributions.