
Friday, February 15, 2013


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Politico | The nature of the beast
If you listen to Washington Democrats these days, you’d think that America’s economic and fiscal woes could all be solved if we would simply raise taxes. Evidently the tax increases last month served only as an appetizer for the big-government crowd. Now the spenders are back for the main course. It will never be enough. As my dad used to say about the instinctive reactions of members of the animal kingdom, “it’s the nature of the beast.”
Washington Times | The balanced budget dream
Under a law that just took effect, Barack Obama will be the first president required to send Congress a budget that balances at some point in the future. Since that point isn’t likely to be in anyone’s lifetime, Republicans once again are looking to a constitutional amendment to impose restraint.

Heritage Foundation | Morning Bell: Why Should I Care About the U.S. Debt?
Unfortunately, high government debt is having more of an impact on each of us than we realize. Heritage’s Romina Boccia explains that high levels of federal debt are linked to all of these problems for Americans:
WSJ | Does the Government Profit from Student Loans?
With borrowers increasingly falling behind on their federal student loan payments, some analysts are predicting taxpayers will eventually be on the hook for potentially billions of dollars in losses.