
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


CNN Money | Bernanke: Spending cuts add 'significant' burden to recovery
Automatic budget cuts set to go into effect this week will slow the already sluggish U.S. economy even further, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned senators Tuesday.
Market Watch | Cantor expects fiscal impasse for 'weeks, months'
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Wednesday did not express any optimism that a deal will be reached to avert the sequester ahead of Friday's deadline. "We are going to be mired in some of these fiscal issues for the foreseeable future -- the next several weeks, months," the Virginia Republican said at the Credit Union National Association's Governmental Affairs Conference in Washington.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | Obama and the Sequester Scare
President Obama's message could not be clearer: Life as we know it in America will change dramatically on March 1, when automatic cuts are imposed to achieve $85 billion in government-spending reductions. Furloughed government employees, flight delays and criminals set free are among the dire consequences the president has predicted. If the Washington Monument weren't already closed for repairs, no doubt it too would be shut down.