
Monday, February 4, 2013


Bloomberg | Too Big to Fail Too Hard to Fix Amid Calls to Curb Banks
Top U.S. bank regulators and lawmakers are pushing for action to limit the risk that the government again winds up financing the rescue of one or more of the nation’s biggest financial institutions.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Fortune | The great bond massacre (Fortune, 1994)
In a year of low inflation, bondholders have suffered more than $1 trillion in losses. Here's why it happened, and could happen again.
Forbes | Ronald Reagan Would Not Be Fooled By Today's Presumptions of Low Inflation
The day after Ronald Reagan’s election as the 40th president in 1980, Steven Hayward, the author of The Age of Reagan, noted that the “dollar rallied sharply on overseas markets.” The dollar’s rise was in fairness a mere continuation of something that had begun the previous January.