
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Health Care

Politico | Experts debate all-payer setups vs. Medicare for all
Health care prices are too damn high. That’s the punch line to the provocative Time magazine piece “Bitter Pill” by Steven Brill, who laid out his diagnosis of the problem Wednesday at a Center for American Progress panel.
WSJ | Squeeze Looms for Doctors
U.S. medical schools are expanding to meet an expected need for more doctors due to the federal health law. With at least 12 new schools opening and existing ones growing, enrollment is on track to produce 5,000 more graduates a year by 2019.

Heritage Foundation | Chart of the Week: The States That Have Expanded Medicaid
Expanding Medicaid will be costly for most states. The authors of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obamacare) threatened to strip all federal funding for states’ Medicaid programs if they refused to expand the entitlement.
FOX Business | Applying For Obamacare is as Difficult as Doing Your Taxes
Premiums for some could double, 20 new taxes are being implemented, you may not even get to see a real doctor the next time you're sick, and if you can get past all that, it's going to take a very long time to apply for coverage.