
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Health Care

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Politico | Medicare cuts are a giant step backward
It is well-known that policymakers are facing tremendous political pressure to reduce spending and the deficit. It is also clear that our entitlement programs are the chief driver of federal spending both now and in the future. However, indiscriminate cost cutting like the sequester is not the best answer for the latter, and certainly not the recently announced cuts to the Medicare Advantage program for the former.
WSJ | The Real Promise of 'Accountable Care'
For decades, the inexorable rise in health-care costs has been accompanied by growing evidence of large variations in care and widespread gaps in quality and efficiency. Almost daily, new developments come along that in other industries would improve quality and access—such as Web- and phone-based services, electronic transactions and more-convenient facilities. In health care, however, innovative technologies and services seem to increase costs and complexity.
Real Clear Markets | Obamacare Insurance Plans Will Be Bare Bones -- And Expensive
There's mounting evidence that come fall, the health plans sold through the Obamacare exchanges will be bare bones affairs - with narrow networks of providers to select from, and heavy co-insurance once patients go "out of network."
Mercatus | The Affordable Care Act's Optional Medicaid Expansion
In a new study published by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, senior research fellow Charles Blahous analyzes the myriad factors states must weigh in their decisions whether to expand Medicaid coverage.