
Friday, April 19, 2013


CNN Money | Bowles and Simpson detail $2.5 trillion deficit reduction plan
The deficit duo of Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson will try again on Friday to get Democrats and Republicans to hold hands and make tough choices on the nation's debt.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Market Watch | Treasury's Miller: No banks will be bailed out
No financial institution, regardless of its size, will be bailed out by taxpayers again, Treasury Undersecretary for Domestic Finance Mary Miller said Thursday.
Politico | A conservative case for skepticism on chained CPI
President Obama’s 2014 budget proposal does something that has seemed impossible in recent years: it cuts spending and forges political compromise (on one issue at least). For a fleeting moment, the magical feeling of bipartisanship has descended over Pennsylvania Avenue and lawmakers are crowing to the media that common sense and pragmatism have won the day.

Roll Call | Debt Ceiling Bogs Down Obamacare Tax Repeal
Looming negotiations to raise the debt ceiling appear to be at the heart of what is stalling stand-alone legislation to repeal Obamacare’s medical-device tax.