
Monday, April 8, 2013


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | A winning budget gambit
Democrats must hope Republicans don’t follow their sequestration victory with one even bigger. To do so, Republicans would need to look no further than President Obama’s budget vulnerability. With this year’s budget coming more than two months late, and none of his ever having come close to balancing, Mr. Obama’s weakness offers Republicans a chance to replicate their recent success — and on an even higher level.
AEI | Giving bank depositors 'haircuts' sets a bad precedent
"Bailing in" implies the opposite of governments' "bailing out" careless investors or bank managers with public money. Specifically, "bailing in" substitutes appropriate losses by "at risk" investors for injections of taxpayer funds to rescue them.
Heritage Foundation | House and Senate Budgets: A First Step Toward Restoring Congressional Budgeting
It is no great achievement for lawmakers simply to do what the law requires of them. Still, the passage of budget resolutions last month by both houses of Congress—after the Senate’s four years of neglect—does seem noteworthy. The question now is: What next?

Heritage Foundation | Federal Disaster Relief Spending Out of Control
The world’s second-largest reinsurer, Swiss Re, reports “that natural catastrophes and man-made disasters cost the insurance industry $77 billion in 2012.”