
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Bloomberg | Capping Low-Skilled Worker Visas Central to Compromise
Under the first year of a new plan that business and labor leaders have tentatively approved as part of a Senate proposal to revise the nation’s immigration laws, employers would be able to bring in another 20,000 a year. That would gradually rise to 75,000 -- though never exceed more than 200,000 a year.
CNN Money | Europe unemployment hits record high
Official European Union figures published Tuesday showed unemployment in the eurozone hit a record high of 12.0% in February, and young people are paying a particularly heavy price.

Market Watch | White House budget staff given furlough notices
Nearly 500 staffers at the White House’s budget office have been given furlough notices due to the across-the-board budget cuts known as the sequester, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Monday.
CBO | The Unemployment Insurance System
With the enactment of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 in January, lawmakers extended unemployment benefits—as they existed at the end of 2012—through 2013. In particular, that law extended emergency unemployment compensation for a year, allowing certain people who have been unemployed for a long time to receive benefits through December 2013. That extension will cost the federal government about $30 billion, CBO estimates.