
Monday, April 22, 2013

General Economics

Politico | New debate over 'working poor'
Most have no reported earnings, and without added job training or workfare slots, the change could spell real hardship in today’s economy.
National Journal | The End of Government as We Know It
Whatever happened to Johnny Whitmire? The answer is tied to a new book on digital-age innovations to improve government.
Bloomberg | Austerity on Trial With U.S. Versus Europe Amid New Evidence
Global policy makers and economists are staging a retrial of austerity as new evidence arises.
MarketWatch | U.S. economy below trend in March, index shows
The U.S. economy ran below trend potential in March, according to the Chicago Fed national activity index released Monday. In March, the index swung to -0.23 from an upwardly revised +0.76 in February.
CNBC | Data Shift to Lift US Economy by 3%
The U.S. economy will officially become 3 percent bigger in July as part of a shake-up that will for the first time see government statistics take into account 21st century components such as film royalties and spending on research and development.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Politico | The drive for all-American energy independence
Our energy and geopolitical landscape is vastly different from just ten years ago. We are witnessing an energy renaissance largely driven by technological advances and the uniquely American spirit of entrepreneurship.
Washington Post | The end of macro magic
The trust in macroeconomic magic has shattered. This saps optimism and promotes spending restraint. Scholarly disagreements multiply.
WSJ | Seven Lessons for Fixing an Economy
What can we learn from the past few years on how to speed a recovery? Above all: Be pragmatic, not moralistic.
NBER | Aging and Pension Reform: Extending the Retirement Age and Human Capital Formation
This paper addresses three important adjustments channels to dampen these detrimental effects of ageing: investing abroad, endogenous human capital formation and increasing the retirement age.
AEI | Battle of the econ pundits
Economics isn’t science, at least not like chemistry or physics. It’s hard to run controlled economic experiments. The behavior of people is a lot tougher to analyze and predict than that of water molecules.
Cato Institute | Chained CPI Won’t Fix Entitlements
However, most economists agree that traditional CPI measures don’t accurately account for the way people really live.

The Economist | What success looks like
This year will be awful. Next year, however, should be less so.
WSJ: Real Economics | Number of the Week: How Big an Effect From Slower Growth?
Slow economic growth has large cumulative effects, though not quite as big as claimed by two Harvard economists in their response to a critique this week.