
Monday, April 1, 2013

Health Care

Washington Times | Lawsuit over health care tax could kill ‘Obamacare’
“Obamacare” looks increasingly inevitable, but one lawsuit making its way through the court system could pull the plug on the sweeping federal health care law.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | Medicaid’s big white elephant
Easy money from the federal government is hard to resist. After all, it’s “free.” A key section of Obamacare makes states the offer they can’t refuse: Expand eligibility for Medicaid on an unrealistic scale, and Uncle Sam will hand over a big, fat check. A number of Republican governors have succumbed to this temptation, including Chris Christie in New Jersey, Rick Scott in Florida and Rick Snyder in Michigan. This is a dangerous bargain for us all.
Politico | Why Texas should not expand Medicaid
America is facing an entitlement spending crisis, with unfunded liabilities for Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid approaching $100 trillion. This is an outrageous situation that threatens our fiscal and economic well-being as a country. And few brave souls are tackling these problems to find real solutions. Maybe we should start with the smallest of the big three entitlement programs: Medicaid.

NY Times | U.S. Health Care Prices Are the Elephant in the Room
Traditionally, the theory driving discussions on the high cost of health care in the United States has been that there is enormous waste in the system, taking the form of excess utilization of care. From that theory it follows that methods of controlling the growth of health spending should focus on ways to reduce the use of unnecessary or only marginally beneficial health care.