
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Health Care

Politico | Right turns on GOP Obamacare bill
Republican-backed legislation meant to alter a piece of Obamacare has picked up some unlikely opponents: conservatives. The Club for Growth, ForAmerica and the Heritage Foundation have come out against the bill, which the House is expected to take up later this week.
CNBC | Governments May Push Workers to Health Exchange
In a move that would capitalize on provisions under President Barack Obama's health care law but could cost the federal government millions of dollars, Washington state lawmakers have found a creative way to pass a large chunk of their health-care expenses along to Washington, D.C.—and analysts say others are likely to follow suit.

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Washington Times | Bending the Pentagon’s medical costs curve
The cost of military health care has almost tripled since 2001, from $19 billion to $53 billion in 2012, and now represents one-tenth of the entire defense budget. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that health care costs for military personnel will increase to $65 billion by 2017 and $95 billion by 2030.