
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Health Care

Politico | Lawmakers, aides may get Obamacare exemption
Congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, sources in both parties said.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | Obamacare off the rails
Sen. Max Baucus, who as chairman of the Finance Committee guided Obamacare down the tracks in the U.S. Senate, is changing his tune now that he’s about to retreat into Montana to hide in placid retirement. He sees “a huge train wreck coming down” with the implementation of President Obama’s health care takeover. Now he tells us.
CNN Money | Doctor: 'I gave up on health care in America'
In late 2010, Dr. Grady Snyder saw the writing on the wall. He was burned out, his revenue was shrinking and it was getting too expensive to run his rural practice in Pueblo, Colo.

Heritage Foundtaion | 10 Myths About the Obamacare Medicaid Expansion
As Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion is being debated in the states, many myths are being perpetuated by its advocates. Here, Heritage provides the research to debunk such myths