
Friday, April 26, 2013


Bloomberg | Online Sales-Tax Measure Advances in U.S. Senate
The U.S. Senate delayed until May 6 a final vote on a bill that would let states collect taxes on Internet and catalog sales.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Daily Beast | The Real Problem With the Internet Sales Tax
This will be your second post today on the problem of collecting sales taxes on Internet transactions, because after I wrote the first post, it became clear to me that most people who are writing about it do not understand why this is onerous for small business. I mean, sure, hey, there's all these different rates, but that's what software is for!
Forbes | America's Economy Cannot Afford Its Nosebleed Corporate Income Tax
For years, economists have been debating the question, “Who pays the corporate income tax?”  Their assumption is that, if the federal government collects a dollar of corporate income tax, then that dollar is “paid” via some combination of lower returns to capital and reduced wages for workers, adding up to a dollar.