
Thursday, May 2, 2013


Washington Times | Feds spend $4 million for food stamps at farmers markets
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has expanded its food stamp program to farmers markets around the nation, announcing a $4 million grant plan to entice recipients to buy fruits and vegetables.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Politico | President Obama's new budget drops key reform
There is a lot not to like in the new budget recently released by President Barack Obama. The nearly $1 trillion in higher taxes would only serve to impede economic growth, and the failure to reform entitlement programs leaves them on the path to insolvency.
Heritage Foundation | Debt and Growth in a Time of Controversy
The weight of the evidence indicates that high debt slows growth, but there is no magic threshold above which any country at any time will experience slower growth. This truth has been illustrated in the recent controversy around “Growth in a Time of Debt,” an academic paper by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
Bloomberg | Reinhart-Rogoff Uproar Settles Nothing
By now, you’re probably tired of all the back-and-forth on Reinhart and Rogoff. That would be Harvard University’s Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, the economists who co-authored the 2009 best-seller, “This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Follies,” and who are now on the firing line because of minor data errors in a 2010 working paper.

Heritage Foundation | Temporary Debt Paydown Just a Drop in the Bucket
Reports that the federal government will put a little bit of money toward the massive federal debt for the first time in six years make for an interesting tidbit, but Washington’s spending and debt problem is only getting bigger.