
Monday, May 13, 2013

Health Care

National Journal | 'Obamacare' Repeal: Will the 37th Time Be the Charm?
With tensions over fiscal issues building, and the three-month suspension of the nation’s debt limit set to expire Sunday, lawmakers this week will be rehashing on the House floor their messaging war over repealing President Obama’s three-year-old health care law.

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Washington Times | Navigating Obamacare
President Obama’s takeover of health care is so complicated that the government is about to hire a fleet of bureaucrats to explain what it’s all about. The Department of Health and Human Services is looking to hire “navigators” to help Americans figure out how to avoid the perils of Obamacare’s rudderless insurance exchange system.
WSJ | The Health Spending Decline
To the surprise of both political parties and planners of all types, American health-care spending appears to be slowing down. The health growth rate has flattened out at about 3.9% over the last three years—a record low since the 1960s and down from the old normal of 6.2% to 9.7% in the 2000s.