
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Health Care

Politico | Poll: 54 percent against Obamacare
Fifty-four percent of Americans oppose President Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement, according to a CNN poll released Monday, while 43 percent support the law.
CNN Money | IRS role in Obamacare
The IRS has a big target on its back these days. Its leaders have been pummeled on Capitol Hill over inappropriate targeting of Tea Party groups applying for tax-exempt status.
Bloomberg | Obamacare Unveiled as California, New York Lead U.S.
While politicians in Washington argue over the Affordable Care Act, its ultimate fate is being decided far from Capitol Hill.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Real Clear Markets | Obamacare Will Give Consumers the Wrong Information
The federal government is working hard to educate consumers about the nutritional content and health dangers hidden in your favorite foods. Restaurants increasingly are being forced to provide their customers with information on calories, sodium, sugar, and other information on nutrition and ingredients.