
Wednesday, May 15, 2013


CNN Money | Japan: Is Abenomics working?
In the few months since Japan embarked on its ambitious Abenomics experiment, stocks have taken off and a free-falling yen has improved the prospects for exporters.
Bloomberg | Wholesale Prices in U.S. Decrease by Most in Three Years
Wholesale prices in the U.S. dropped in April by the most in three years, reflecting a decrease in fuel costs that is helping underpin profits.
Washington Post | In global currency war, a new front opens in the South Pacific
From (way) down under comes a new front in the push and pull over world currency values: Stung by the rise in the New Zealand dollar, affectionately known as the kiwi, the country’s central bank last week acknowledged that it had intervened in foreign exchange markets to try to fight any further appreciation.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
AEI | By Jim Bullard's logic, it's time to break up the Fed
Jim Bullard, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has laid out an interesting argument, as reported by American Banker ("A Simple TBTF Plan from Fed's Jim Bullard," May 9), to determine when a bank is too big and needs to be broken up. 

WSJ | Strong U.S. Dollar Keeping Import Prices in Check
The price of goods imported to the U.S. has fallen, on annual basis, in 11 of the past 12 months. While that reflects the declining cost of oil, it also indicates that an increasing value of the dollar is improving America’s purchasing power abroad.