
Monday, May 20, 2013


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Market Watch | Fed's Fisher wants to slow pace of MBS purchases
The Federal Reserve can only slow the pace of its mortgage-backed securities, as a sudden stop would be "too violent" for the market, said Richard Fisher, the president of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank on Monday.
Forbes | Everything You Hear About the Fed's 'Exit Strategy' Is Wrong
In modern times the role of money has been almost totally perverted by the commentariat. Though money’s sole purpose is as a measure that facilitates the exchange of actual wealth (your bread for my wine), the desire to get something for nothing is so great that people actually believe prosperity can be had with the revving up of a printing press.
AEI | How the Fed can unwind
As the Federal Reserve has continued to buy bonds to aid the economic recovery, critics of its actions, and even some supporters, have grown increasingly concerned about what comes after all of this “quantitative easing”: How will the Fed “unwind” its balance sheet — that is, sell off the bonds it has purchased — without harming the economy?