
Thursday, May 23, 2013


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Forbes | A Populist Argument For Eliminating The Corporate Tax
The U.S. is now in the fifth year of the Obama recovery, which began just a few months into his first administration. His spokespeople have argued strenuously that we’ve had a number of months of economic and job growth, and therefore we’re on the right track. However, by almost any reasonable standard it has been a dismal recovery. Indeed, every recession is followed by a recovery, so an increase in GDP and jobs is not noteworthy in and of itself.
Fortune | 6-step guide to dodging taxes just like Apple
It's faddish -- and fun -- these days to talk about the income taxes that Apple does or doesn't pay. Hey, as we learned this week from a Senate report and hearings, Apple's tax strategems are even slicker than its products are. Many of them involve the "intellectual property" gambit that multinational companies frequently use.
Fortune | Inside Amazon's tax fight
For many years, enjoyed a crucial leg up compared to traditional retailers like Barnes & Noble, Sears, and Wal-Mart: The e-tailer didn't charge sales taxes to its customers. The result: Amazon benefited from as much as a 10% pricing advantage over its rivals, one key reason behind the company's meteoric rise.
Forbes | IRS Scandal Is The Latest Evidence That We Need A Fair Tax
The IRS is one of the two great instrumentalities of progressivism (the other is the Federal Reserve).  Progressivism holds that, when they wrote the U.S. Constitution, James Madison and the other Founders basically got it wrong.