
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


WSJ | Switzerland Moves Toward U.S. Tax Deal
Swiss banks will be able to deal directly with U.S. authorities to settle legal issues over suspected tax evasion by Americans under a framework agreed by the Swiss cabinet, a development that may lift some of the uncertainty hanging over the Alpine country's financial industry.
Bloomberg | Corporate Interest Deduction Proves Sacred Amid Reformers: Taxes
A newly formed coalition of businesses is stepping up efforts to protect interest deductions as tax reform advances in Congress.
WSJ | Curious IRS Timing
The IRS has admitted targeting groups that wanted to speak on issues during the 2012 election season. But did the agency also target tax-exempt groups that opposed Administration policy priorities?

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
NY Times | The Trouble With Taxing Corporations
It hardly qualifies as a defense. But that is perhaps the most accurate statement that Apple’s chief executive, Timothy D. Cook, could have made to lawmakers inquiring last week about how its creative financial techniques contributed to its low business tax payments.

Heritage Foundation | Internet Sales Tax Could Lead to Higher Prices
If the House approves the Marketplace Fairness Act, Villa Lagoon Tile won’t be out of business, but it might be forced to raise its prices. In an interview with National Public Radio, owners Lundy Wilder and Dave Perry talked about the “tremendous burden” the Internet sales tax will create for their business.