
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Politico | Right wing, John Boehner in Hastert rule fight
The hope among GOP leaders is that an expected failure of the Salmon effort will show the insurgents that they are only marginal figures in the party — and send a warning to other rank-and-file Republicans that sticking their neck out for the fringe isn’t an effective strategy.
National Journal | Senators Scramble to Prevent Doubling of Student-Loan Rates
As the clock ticks down toward the doubling of some student-loan interest rates, a group of senators has been scrambling to come to an agreement to solve the problem.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Fortune | How to teach Americans to save? Treat them like children
A new study suggests a different type of bank account could get people to save more.
Heritage Foundation | Soaring National Debt Remains a Grave Threat
Federal government debt has nearly doubled since President Barack Obama took office and is projected to increase 50 percent over the next decade—and then rise rapidly thereafter—under existing policies. As federal debt has soared, so have concerns about America’s future.