
Friday, June 14, 2013

Health Care

Politico | Obamacare? We were just leaving …
Dozens of lawmakers and aides are so afraid that their health insurance premiums will skyrocket next year thanks to Obamacare that they are thinking about retiring early or just quitting.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Fiscal Times | Why Docs Are Bailing Out of Health Insurance
The cost of health care has been a nagging public policy issue for decades, even before the government took on the task of insuring retirees in the 1960s. The issue continued to fester through the Social Security reform of the 1980s and the attempt at a top-down government restructuring of the health-care industry in the 1990s, spearheaded by Hillary Clinton that resulted in a backlash strong enough to end forty years of Democratic Party dominance in the House of Representatives in the midterm elections of 1994.

Heritage Foundation | For Congress, Obamacare Finally Hits Home
Federal employees, including those on Capitol Hill, currently receive generous “corporate level” health insurance benefits and a broad range of personal plan choice—from high-cost, comprehensive plans to low-cost, high-deductible plans—that is denied the vast majority of Americans.