
Friday, July 26, 2013


Politico | Fiscal Armageddon could remake Hill in 2014 elections
The 2014 midterm season is about to heat up – and President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies are eager to tag the GOP as the root cause of Washington dysfunction. The Republicans say they can ill afford another game of high-stakes brinksmanship in the looming negotiations over raising the debt ceiling and funding the government.
CNN Money | CBO: Cancel spending cuts now, boost economy in short run
The economy could get a modest boost if Congress cancels the across-the-board budget cuts known as the sequester, according to new estimates from the Congressional Budget Office.
Bloomberg | Greece Wins 2.5 Billion-Euro Aid Loan, Buying Time in Crisis
Greece won the release of a 2.5 billion-euro ($3.3 billion) loan installment to tide it through the coming weeks, as European governments put off debate over Greek debt relief until after Germany’s election in September.
CNBC | Municipal bonds 'hemorrhage' $1.2 billion on Detroit fears
Municipal bond funds saw outflows of $1.2 billion in the week ending July 24, on concern that Detroit's filing for bankruptcy - the largest in U.S. history - will set an important precedent and more cities could follow suit. It was the ninth consecutive week of outflows from the fund type.