
Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Bloomberg | Debt Limit Be Damned as U.S. Content With Talkless Summer
Congress is increasingly unlikely to start talks on getting a budget deal and forestalling a debt limit impasse before the next five-week break in August.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Fortune | Why the student loan interest rate hike isn't that big a deal
There are a range of options on the table to bring down the new 6.8% rate on student loans, and despite all the political fervor there's not much difference between them.
Real Clear Markets | To Restrain Leviathan, Let's Outlaw Mandatory Spending Increases
Mandatory spending ensures there will never be a grand bargain to bring America's fiscal policy back into equilibrium. Despite our threatening fiscal affairs-a $650 billion deficit, publically held debt at an unprecedented 75% of GDP, entitlement growth that eats our economy alive, and no end in sight-the Democrats refuse to cut spending and reform entitlements and the Republicans refuse to raise taxes further.