
Monday, July 1, 2013


Bloomberg | Payroll Gains Probably Sustained in June: U.S. Economy Preview
Employers in the U.S. probably created almost as many jobs in June as in the prior month as businesses grew more confident the economy will overcome the tax increases and government cutbacks that have restrained growth, economists said before reports this week.
Market Watch | U.S. economy, hiring far from top speed
The economy has sidestepped a lot of potholes in 2013, but the road ahead still isn’t wide open. The latest hiring figures are likely to show the U.S. falling well short of its top speed.

WSJ | Jobs Report Dominates Holiday-Shortened Week
Investors and economy watchers will have many reports to digest in the coming week. The main course will be Friday’s employment report, served up after U.S. financial markets close Thursday to observe Independence Day.