
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Health Care

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | Americans Are Living Longer, but Not Necessarily Healthier, Study Shows
Americans are living longer than they did two decades ago, a new study shows, but they are losing ground in key measures of health status to counterparts in other developed nations around the globe.
Politico | Repeal the health-care law
Business owners across America breathed a collective sigh of relief last week when the Obama administration announced it would grant them a one-year reprieve from some of Obamacare’s most onerous rules. It was cold comfort, though, to millions of individuals and families whose concerns about the impact of the Affordable Care Act continue to be ignored by the White House.
WSJ | U.S. Struggles to Meet Health-Law Deadline
When Obama administration officials delayed a central plank of the new health law—requiring that big employers offer health insurance to workers—they said it was to help businesses pleading for more time.
CRS | Health Insurance Premium Credits in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)
ACA requires health insurance exchanges to be established in every state by January 1, 2014, either by the state itself or by the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS).