
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Health Care

WSJ | Long-Term-Care Insurance Gap Hits Seniors
The long-term-insurance industry now is shrinking, premiums are soaring and there is no fix in sight. At the same time, government safety-net programs, already under cost-cutting pressure, are bracing for demand from more of the 77 million aging baby boomers.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
CRS | Discretionary Spending in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) reauthorized funding for numerous existing discretionary grant programs and other activities. ACA also created multiple new discretionary grant programs and provided for each an authorization of appropriations.
Heritage Foundation | The Cost of Educating the Public on Obamacare
Open enrollment in Obamacare’s insurance exchanges is slated to begin in October, and the Administration is using extraordinary—and questionable—efforts to raise awareness among the public and facilitate enrollment for fear not enough people will sign up for coverage.

Heritage Foundation | Obamacare’s ACO Conundrum
According to a Medicare spokesman, nine hospitals and health systems participating in the “Pioneer” accountable care organization (ACO) pilot may leave the program outright—and four more “may join other accountable care programs that carry less financial risk.”