
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Bloomberg | Bernanke Seen Slowing QE to $65 Billion in September
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke in September will trim the Fed’s monthly bond buying to $65 billion from the current pace of $85 billion, according to a growing number of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Real Clear Markets | The Feds Exploit the 'Systemic Risk' Myth To Suffocate Insurers
In the above passage Howard Kershner was describing Germany in the aftermath of World War II. It's a passage worth reviving every time the notion of ‘too big to fail' is trotted out by commentators, politicians, and federal bureaucrats.
Bloomberg | Banks’ Size Is Greater Threat Than Complexity
Senators from both sides of the political divide are displaying an encouraging resolve to break up the country’s biggest banks. Unfortunately, they’re focusing too much on the complexity of big bank operations and ignoring the greater threat entailed in their enormous size.