
Monday, July 22, 2013


CNN Money | Tax breaks: Washington budget voodoo hides true cost
It's unlikely that anyone would ever describe a 30-year marriage, a 30-year career or a 30-year anything as "temporary."
WSJ | Companies Square Off in Tax-Rewrite Battle
The stakes are particularly high for multinational companies because the White House and Congress are considering changes that would dramatically alter the way foreign income is treated.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Politico | ‘Blank slate’ key to tax reform
In the quarter century since Congress last reformed the Tax Code, back in 1986, it seems Washington has worked overtime to create the most inefficient and ineffective globally anti-competitive tax system humankind could dream up.
Fortune | The tax break that corporate America wants kept secret
Oracle, Google, and Amazon are just a few of the hundreds of large companies that have cut confidential deals with the IRS to help lower their tax bills, and critics want the agency to disclose the details of these complex pacts.
NY Times | Wealth Taxes: A Future Battleground
If you’d like to know where American political debates are headed, the data suggest a simple answer. The next major struggle — in economic terms at least — will be over whether taxes on personal wealth should rise — and by how much.