
Monday, August 26, 2013


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Real Clear Markets | If Republicans Want Budget Cuts, They Must Empower The Spenders
When the sequester budget cuts went into effect in the spring, Democrats in general and multitudes of Obama Administration officials in particular warned of devastating impacts on federal government programs, employees, and citizens who depend on government services. Now, after several months and with the fiscal year nearing its conclusion, it turns out that the sequester cuts have been accomplished with little pain and much less impact than promised.
Washington Post | After six budget showdowns, big government is mostly unchanged
After 21 / 2 years of budget battles, this is what the federal government looks like now:
Washington Times | Holding the line on spending
Shortly after returning from August recess, Congress will consider a continuing resolution that will fund the federal government past Sept. 30.