
Monday, August 5, 2013

Health Care

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | Congress's ObamaCare Exemption
To adapt H.L. Mencken, nobody ever went broke underestimating the cynicism and self-dealing of the American political class. Witness their ad-libbed decision, at the 11th hour and on the basis of no legal authority, to create a special exemption for themselves from the ObamaCare health coverage that everybody else is mandated to buy.

CATO | Free Trade in Medical Services? Bring It On!
The NY Times has a long article about the U.S. medical system, in which it notes how much cheaper things are abroad. I’ll leave it to my colleague Michael Cannon and others to comment on the accuracy of the piece, if they see anything worth commenting on.  
Heritage Foundation | Not So Fast: Congress Is Still in an Obamacare Trap
News broke late last evening about the debate playing out over Obamacare and whether members of Congress and their staffs will get special treatment.