
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Health Care

CNN Money | Where Obamacare premiums will soar
Get ready to shell out more money for individual health insurance under Obamacare ... in some states, that is.
WSJ | Preparations for Health Exchanges on Tight Schedule
Opening day for the new health-insurance marketplaces is two months away, but efforts to recruit and train workers to help people enroll are barely off the ground in many states.
Investors | ObamaCare Spurs Shift Away From 30-34-Hour Workweek
Something odd is happening to the workweek, unpublished data from the Current Population Survey show.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
CATO | Congress’s Obamacare Waiver
America has a two-party system. But it’s not Republicans versus Democrats. It’s the ruling class — Republicans and Democrats — against everyone else. Consider how President Obama just gave Congress its very own Obamacare waiver.

Heritage Foundation | 900,000 Reasons Obamacare Is Bad: Moving Americans from Work to Welfare
Obamacare is not only hurting small businesses and economic growth. It might also give nearly a million low-income individuals a reason to leave work for welfare.