
Thursday, September 12, 2013


National Journal | Leaders Meet as Fiscal Fights Loom Large
With big deadlines and political hurdles looming over fights to keep the government funded and hike the nation’s borrowing limit, a meeting Thursday of the top four congressional leaders could set the tone for the autumn.
CNN Money | The never-ending charade of debt ceiling fights
Lawmakers are tied up in knots over increasing the debt ceiling this fall. But they eventually will. The only question is how messy the process will be.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
NY Times | Our Debt to Society
The Daily Treasury Statement, a public accounting of what the U.S. government spends and receives each day, shows how money really works in Washington.
Mercatus | The BRAC Commission as a Model for Federal Spending Reform
As President Obama’s words suggest, in many cases spending programs exist for political reasons. Almost every federal program has a constituency that lobbies hard to keep it alive, whether it is an efficient program or not. Members of Congress are beholden to these interests, so they champion the programs and horse-trade to ensure they remain funded.