
Wednesday, September 18, 2013


National Journal | On the Budget, Murray Keeps Talking
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., has attempted to go to conference on the Senate Democratic budget more than a dozen times this year. Each time Republicans have objected, worried that their House colleagues would agree to a deal on funding the government, raising the debt ceiling, or both.
CNN Money | Deficits: Better now, worse later
While lawmakers have made progress knocking back near-term deficits, they have done very little to rein in the country's long-term debt.
Bloomberg |
Health-Care Defunding Added to Republican Spending Bill

Republican leaders will include a provision in a temporary stopgap measure to keep the government operating that would permanently defund President Barack Obama’s health-care law.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Heritage Foundation | Debt Limit: Options and the Way Forward
Congress cuts spending only when forced to act, but it should carefully consider its options on the debt limit. The federal government hit the statutory debt limit on May 19, 2013, with $16.7 trillion in debt.
AEI | How Detroit went broke
Last February the Detroit News, after an exhaustive search of the city's tax rolls, found that 47 percent of Detroit property owners did not pay their property taxes in 2011. The amount of revenue lost to the city was $246 million.

WSJ | How Did Advanced Economies Get in So Much Debt?
Overly optimistic budget projections, poor data on government liabilities and a flawed understanding about how shocks can hurt public finances, the International Monetary Fund says in a new policy paper published Tuesday.
Cato Institute | It’s Amazingly Simple to Balance the Budget
Based on Congressional Budget Office data, we can balance the budget in just three years if spending grows by “only” 1 percent per year.
Heritage Foundation | CBO Report’s Facts Speak Louder Than Obama’s Spending and Debt Crisis Denial
U.S. public debt doubled since before the recession and stands at a 50-year high today. The American public has not seen public debt levels this high since around World War II.