
Monday, September 16, 2013

Health Care

Politico | Obamacare D-Day becomes a soft launch
For months all eyes have been on October 1 — the first day people can sign up for Obamacare. But as that day approaches, many people working on the nuts and bolts of the health law are tamping down any expectations of a sign-up stampede.
National Journal | Health Literacy Could Reduce Medicare Expenses
MedPAC, the Congressional advisory committee on Medicare, discussed how to get patients more involved in their health decisions.
WSJ | Health Law Faces Skepticism
New poll results show the depth of the Obama administration's challenge on the eve of the rollout of the federal health law's core provisions, as many Americans say they don't understand the law and don't think it will help them.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Heritage Foundation | Interpreting Obamacare’s Premium Estimates for 2014
In recent weeks, several organizations have released studies projecting premiums in Obamacare’s new exchanges next year. However, many of these studies suffer from the same flaw: They ignore or minimize the fact that, due to Obamacare, individuals will be forced to buy levels of health insurance that they may not need or want.

Heritage Foundation | Obamacare Is NOT Saving Americans Money
Yesterday the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report that claims to highlight how Obamacare is working for Americans—but in reality, it actually shows how the law has fallen short of candidate Obama’s promises.