
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Health Care

Politico | ACA backers OK with income verification in debt deal
Republicans are getting a single Obamacare crumb in the spending deal — an income verification measure that Democratic proponents of the law are willing to swallow.
National Journal | The Case for Computer-Based Health Care
The victory of Watson, an artificial-intelligence system designed to dominate the quiz show Jeopardy!, over the country's best nerds in 2011 may not be the equal of John Henry struggling against a steam-powered drill in the annals of man versus machine. But the replacement of Jeopardy!'s human competitors with a computer algorithm may signal a trend that could soon spread through the health care sector as Obamacare is implemented.
WSJ | UnitedHealth Profit Rises as Enrollment Increases
UnitedHealth is the biggest managed-care company by revenue and the industry's first to report quarterly results, making its view of health-cost trends and patient traffic an important barometer. Membership growth has helped recent results.