
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Health Care

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | The Obamacare deterrent for small business
The first of the major Obamacare implementation dates has come and gone, and for America’s small-business owners, the world looks much the same — only now, it’s more confusing and more expensive.
Mercatus | Paging Dr. Jobs
American health care has no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. No Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Burt Rutan, or Henry Ford. No innovator whose genius and sweat deliver the twin lightning bolts of cost-reduction and quality improvement across the broad landscape of health care. Why not? Either we answer that question soon and uncork the genie, or we consign our health care to a prolonged, unaffordable stagnation.

Heritage Foundation | Report Reveals Obamacare’s Side Effects: Higher Costs, Fewer Jobs
What will Obamacare mean for American businesses? Higher costs, according to a report released yesterday from consultants at Mercer.