
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Health Care

Politico | Fact checkers can help keep ACA debate honest
Although the federal government is currently shut down as a result of Republican efforts to defund the Affordable Care Act, many important debates over health policy going forward will take place at the state level. Unfortunately, continuing public confusion over the law is likely to be exploited by opportunistic politicians if they aren’t fact-checked aggressively by the press.

Heritage Foundation | Obamacare’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week
It’s now been seven days since Obamacare’s exchanges officially launched. In reality, however, the “launch” has more closely resembled a blooper reel of rocket failures than a smooth takeoff.
WSJ | Maryland Says It Has 326 Enrollees in Health Exchange
The state of Maryland says it has thousands of people interested in buying health insurance on its new state-run exchange, but only 326 so far have actually enrolled in new coverage.
Library of Economics | Higher-Cost Health Insurance for Older California Resident
One thing that pretty everyone expected if he/she had paid attention during the ObamaCare debate is that the new law would impose a huge cost on young people. That seems to be happening.