Bloomberg | Dollar Seen as Shutdown Loser as Growth Hit Spurs QE
The first U.S. government shutdown in 17 years is stoking speculation that the longer it lasts, the more likely the Federal Reserve will delay reducing its monetary stimulus program, boosting emerging-market currencies at the expense of the dollar.
WSJ | Weak Trading, Mortgage Slump, Legal Costs to Cut Results at Banks
New troubles are piling up for U.S. banks as they prepare to release third-quarter results amid warnings of weak trading revenue, a sharp decline in mortgage-refinancing activity and rising legal costs.
Econ Comments & Analysis
Real Clear Markets | Regulators Reverse One of Dodd-Frank's Few Quality Attributes
There are many reasons to be critical of the Dodd-Frank Act, but in at least one respect its drafters had the germ of a good idea. They recognized that in order to create a stable housing finance system it was necessary to have a high quality mortgage that would result in few defaults.