
Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Bloomberg | U.S. to Sell $10 Billion to $15 Billion in Floating Notes
The U.S. Treasury Department said it will sell $10 billion to $15 billion of its first floating-rate notes Jan. 29 and keep coupon auctions unchanged during a period of political wrangling over the budget.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Politico | Congress must lead by dealing with the deficit
The postcard couple huddled at a kitchen table as they hash out a budget is among the most shopworn of American political clichés, its currency as a debate device soaring to new heights during the recent government shutdown.

WSJ | Rising Corporate Debt May Be Reaching Dangerous Levels
Corporate debt is rising to potentially dangerous levels in Europe and some emerging markets, according to a new global banking group study.