
Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Politico | John Boehner, Dave Camp to huddle over tax reform’s path
Top House Republican leaders will huddle with the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee on Thursday, in a meeting that could help determine the path of chief tax writer Dave Camp’s push to introduce legislation to revamp the tax code, according to multiple sources in Republican leadership and on the committee.
Bloomberg | Tax Sales Threaten to Extend Worst Losses Since ’08: Muni Credit
Buying municipal bonds usually helps individuals lower taxes. This year, amid the worst losses in the $3.7 trillion market since 2008, so does selling the debt.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | Cutting job-killing tariffs
Among its other sins, Congress is now forcing U.S. companies — and American consumers — to pay an extra quarter-billion dollars a year in tariffs owing to its own inaction. Why does our own government impose tariff burdens on us that raise the cost of living for all Americans? This self-inflicted wound should be ground zero for bipartisan action. Now.