
Friday, December 20, 2013

General Economics

Politico | Tis the season for health and taxes
Government-funded health law “navigators” and advocacy groups helping people sign up are emphasizing the health benefits of getting covered, while tax preparation firms are hammering home the economic benefits.
CNN Money | Debit vs. credit cards: Which is safer to swipe?
While the tens of millions of Target shoppers who had their credit and debit card information stolen likely won't be on the hook for any fraudulent transactions that may occur, debit card users could face much bigger headaches than credit card users.
Fox Business | Pension Woes Have Cities, States Eyeing 401(k) Style Plans
Recent studies by the Pew Charitable Trust revealed that the 61 largest U.S. cities were a combined $217 billion short on their pension obligations and the 50 U.S. states were a combined $1.3 trillion short on pension promises made to state employees.
CNN Money | Wow! U.S. economy revved up
Gross domestic product -- the broadest measure of economic activity -- grew at a 4.1% annual pace in the third quarter, up from the 2.8% pace that was first reported in November.
Bloomberg | Bankers Become Realists as Recovery Leaves Them Sidelined
Throughout the current slump in takeovers, mergers and acquisitions advisers have said a recovery was around the corner, awaiting a stronger U.S. economy, rising stock markets or an end to the European debt crisis.
WSJ | Fed's Mortgage Role Expands
Central Bank's Asset Purchases Are Bigger Share of Market as It Begins to Taper.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
TIME | Why Mortgages Will Soon Be More Expensive
Homebuyers are in a sudden headwind of rising home prices, mortgage rates and lending limits.
Washington Times | TRIPLETT: Shale revolution reality checks
In fact, this year, the IEA has predicted that the United States would take the lead in 2015, not 2020.
AEI | The Volcker rule won't reduce risk
After three years of regulatory wrangling, the Volcker Rule is finally out. The rule sharply curtails the types of trading activities that banks whose deposits are insured by the government can engage in. Volcker Rule supporters argue that it will make the financial sector a safer place. Don't bet on it.

WSJ: Real Time Economics | Vital Signs: Businesses Brace for Benefits Bump
While the surveys focus on manufacturing, the healthcare challenge probably extends to all types of business, and has implications for future consumer spending. Paying more for health insurance means businesses have less for pay raises that would support more household shopping.
The Economist | The backlash against the BRICs backlash
Growth in the biggest emerging economies has disappointed the high expectations generated by their swift rebound from the 2008 financial crisis.
WSJ: Real Time Economics | Economists React: Third-Quarter GDP ‘Downright Impressive’
U.S. GDP rose a revised 4.1% in the third quarter of the year, the strongest annualized rate of growth since the end of 2011.