
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Health Care

WSJ | Republicans Shy Away From Their Own Health Plan
Democrats' politically bruising experience over the Obama health law has prompted leading Republican policy experts to rethink one of the party's own long-standing ideas about remaking the health-care system.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | The coming Obamabomb
President Obama’s infamous Obamacare lie that “you can keep your doctor, period” is clearly not the exception — it’s the rule. The pattern is especially worrisome with respect to his practice of what amounts to serial national-security fraud.

Heritage Foundation | Obamacare: A Bad Deal for Young Adults
By now, young adults have heard that they are key to making Obamacare work, and the Obama Administration has spent ample resources trying to convince them that the law is a good deal for them.