
Friday, December 13, 2013

Health Care

Politico | Obamacare: One punt after another
On Thursday, the Obama administration gave customers permission to pay their premiums as late as Dec. 31 for coverage that starts Jan. 1, and officially gave customers an extra week — until Dec. 23 — to sign up for January coverage.
Politico | Experts see bundling as future for health care – with limits
As the health industry embraces new ways to pay for care – phasing out old models that reward the volume of services rather than the outcome for patients – there are limits and drawbacks to emerging strategies such as service and payment bundling, experts said Friday at a POLITICO Pro Deep Dive event.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
NBER | Is This Time Different? The Slowdown in Healthcare Spending
Why have health care costs moderated in the last decade? Some have suggested the Great Recession alone was the cause, but health expenditure growth in the depths of the recession was nearly identical to growth prior to the recession.

NY Times | Health Care Prices Move to Center Stage
With ever higher deductibles, coinsurance and exclusions from coverage, employers have been shifting more and more of the cost of employment-based health insurance into the household budgets of their employees.