
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Health Care

National Journal | McCain Introduces Bill to Repeal and Replace Obamacare
John McCain introduced legislation Wednesday to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, citing an overdue responsibility of the Republican Party to present an alternative to the president's health law.
WSJ | More Turmoil in State Health Exchanges
The leader of Minnesota's health-insurance marketplace resigned after taking a two-week vacation in late November when the state's website was experiencing technical problems, making her the fourth state health-insurance chief to be ousted.

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Forbes | Don't Believe The Pundits, Conservatives Are Bursting With Ideas To Replace Obamacare
Conservatives are being challenged to come up with their own alternative health policy plan to replace Obamacare as it becomes quite clear that government cannot centrally manage a vast part of the largest economy in the world. Democrats, the media, and many others are demanding that Republicans get behind their own “unified bill.”
WSJ | National Lampoon's ObamaCare Vacation
President Obama has responded to the ObamaCare debacle by bringing in Beltway liberal mastermind John Podesta as a senior West Wing hand, and he promptly announced his arrival by likening House Republicans to "a cult worthy of Jonestown" in an interview with Politico. The states running their own insurance exchanges are exacting more accountability for their ObamaCare failures.
AEI | OFA Obamacare ads attempt to cover up the law's failings
Every second spent discussing Pajama Boy and his hot chocolate is a second not spent discussing the Affordable Care Act. And that, of course, should be welcome news for Democrats across the country.
Heritage Foundation | Ten Broken Obamacare Promises
Since the passage of Obamacare in 2010, many of the President’s famous promises have been routinely broken. As he so ironically threatened in 2009, “If you misrepresent what’s in this plan, we will call you out.” To that end, here are 10 promises of Obamacare that have already proved to be broken.